
sizeof operator in C++

Returns the size in bytes of an expression's return type or a type name. Return type is constant size_t. Usage syntax

sizeof (type)
sizeof (expression)

First one returns size of type, second one returns size of type obtained after processing expression.

, comma operator in C++

Left hand expression is evaluated, result is discarded. Returned result is evaluated expression on right hand side.

int a = 15;
int b = 84;
int c = (a, b++);

Named Cast in C++


Converts between types using implicit and user-defined conversions(const should not be involved).



Converts constness of a object. Changes a const object to nonconst


Converts to new type between reinterpreting the underlying bit pattern. Treats the expression as if it had the new type all along.

Error Handling in C++

throw expression

throw raises exceptions(runtime_error for example). We use it after error has been detected and after it the function terminates. For example

throw std::runtime_error("Error!!!");

will result in error.

Full list of errors is here.

try and catch blocks

} catch (exception-declaration){
} catch (exception-declaration){

for example

try {
    throw std::runtime_error("Some error!!!");
} catch(std::runtime_error err) {
    std::cout<<err.what()<<" spotted";
Some error!!! spotted

There can be multiple catch statements, each handling different kind of exceptions. try blocks can be nested and if inner block fails to handle the exception(by not having appropriate catch block) then inner block is terminated and error is transferred to the outer try block.

The exceptions types defines only a data function named what which returns a C-type string in which we usually store our error information.

Functions in C++

IO library in C++

C++ deals with input and output using certain types. In addition to these we have other types too.

  • iostream defines types to read from and write to streams

    • istream

    • ostream

    • iostream which is capable of both reading and writing

  • fstream defines types to read from and write to files

    • ifsteam

    • ofstream

    • fstream

  • sstream define type to read and write in-memory stribg

    • istringstream

    • ostringstream

    • stringstream

There are also there siblings to handle wchar_t data, which have additional w in front of above name.

Quirks of IO library in C++

  • We cannot copy paste or assign IO Objects

  • We can instead access and manipulate condition state of a stream object using functions and flags.

  • Specify which mode to open file in using traits, these are of type std::ios_base::openbase. Format is std::_S_{mode} or std::ios::{mode}. These modes given at cpprefrence.com.


  • std::ios_base::iostate

  • std::ios_base::badbit

  • std::ios_base::failbit

  • std::ios_base::goodbit


  • stream.eof()

  • stream.fail()

  • stream.bad()

  • stream.bad()

  • stream.good()

  • stream.clear()

  • stream.clear(flags)

  • stream.setstate(flags)

  • stream.rdstate()

Buffers in C++

Buffer store data(for performance reasons) before writing to a stream. Flush is writing of data to the stream(device or file). A flush can happen because

  • Program completes normally.

  • If buffer becomes full.

  • Explicitly using manipulators(such as endl).

  • Using unitbuff manipulation

  • If one output stream is connected to another(cin and cerr both tied to cout) then whenever tied stream is modified, then the buffer of tied stream is flushed.


  • endl ends the line and flushes the buffer

  • ends inserts a null character and flushes the buffer

  • flush flushes the buffer but does not add anything to the end

  • unitbuff flushes after every output from that point onward

  • nounitbuff returns to normal buffering

Tying Input and Output Stream

When an input stream is tied with output stream, any attempt to use input stream causes flush to happen. For example cin and cout are tied. We can even tie two output streams, cerr and cout are example of such.

There are two overloaded tie methods. One takes no argument returns pointer to ostream if it exists, otherwise a null pointer. Second one take a pointer to an ostream and ties itself to that stream.

std::ostream *cout_new = std::cin.tie();
*cout_new<<"Should work as cout";
Should work as cout

Stream input output in C++

  • istream type provides input operations

    • cin is an istream object

    • >> operator reads input from istrean object

    • getline reads input from a istream and stores it in a given string

  • ostream provides output operations

    • cout is an ostream object

    • cerr is an ostream object associated with stderr error stream

    • << operator writes output to a ostream object

File Input/Output

fstream header provides 3 types ifstream, ofstream and fstream. In addition to normal functionality of iostream, objects of these type have additional members.

There are a few ways to initialize object of these type.

fstream fstrm("file");
fstream fstrm("file","mode");
fstream fstrm; //defination first
fstrm.open("file");//returns void

When open fails, failbit is set. Opened file is associated with an object, trying to open it with other causes failbit to set. Closing a file is simple.


To check whether a file object is open or not we use is_open() method.

We can pass ifstream objects in place of iostrea&.

Object Oriented Programming in C++

Virtual Function in C++
