[2022-05-06 Fri]

  • 7GUIs are benchmark for testing or learning GUIs.

[2022-05-07 Sat]

  • Pikapods is one click self hosting platform.

[2022-05-12 Thu]   Job

[2022-05-14 Sat]

[2022-05-16 Mon]

[2022-05-18 Wed]   QoL

  • Comby and Semgrep are structural code search and replace tools.

[2022-05-19 Thu]

  • Found Jailer, Java application to database browsing, subsetting and schema.

[2022-05-24 Tue]   QoL Bash

[2022-05-27 Fri]   Job

  • TrueUP is just another job board.

[2022-05-28 Sat]

[2022-05-29 Sun]

  • Neon provides serverless Postgres.

[2022-06-01 Wed]

  • Datastation is a tool to easily visualise and apply queries over data.

[2022-06-03 Fri]

  • This website shows alternative to popular open source softwares.

[2022-06-05 Sun]

  • RR is C++ debugger, better than GDB apparently.

[2022-06-07 Tue]

  • Untools is a website with illustrations and explanations to better think and solve problems. Helps in How to think.

[2022-06-08 Wed]   maps

  • Found about "ok maps". Writing "ok maps" in google maps brings an interactive prompt to download map for office use.

[2022-06-19 Sun]

  • Found dynamic world, a webapp showing realtime land cover and changes in it.

[2022-06-22 Wed]

[2022-07-04 Mon]

  • Found about quantumflytrap, interactive simulations related to quantum physics.

[2022-07-08 Fri]   go

  • Pocketbase, realtime backend written. Should check if it works for small projects.

[2022-07-13 Wed]   fun

[2022-07-15 Fri]   C

[2022-07-25 Mon]

[2023-02-09 Thu]

  • apt-cache rdepends <package> shows packages that depend on <package>.