

Compiling and Running Elixir Code

  • elixirc is used to compile elixir files.

Some Important Points about Elixir

  • Everything is an expression which returns a value, this includes control structures like if, unless, case, etc.

  • Variables are mutable but memory used by them is immutable.

  • fn_name? is used to indicate that function is going to return a boolean value.

  • =fnname! = is used to indicate that function is going to raise an exception.

  • def and defmodule are macros.

  • Last statement in a function is the return value.

  • Parenthesis are optional in function calls.

  • Function artiy is the number of arguments it takes. So everywhere on the internet or docs you will see fn_name/arity.

  • Default values can be provided using \\ operator. Example def greet(name, greeting \\\\ "Hello") do ... end. This is equivalent to writing a function with less arity and then calling it from the function with more arity. This actually creates multiple functions with different arities. It is not possible for a single function to have multiple arities.

  • defp is used to define private functions. Private functions can only be called from the module they are defined in.

  • import inside a defmodule block imports the functions from the module into the current module. This is different from import outside a defmodule block which imports the functions into the current namespace.

  • alias is used to alias a module. Example alias MyApp.User, as: User.

  • alias abc.def is equivalent to alias abc.Def, as: Def.

  • @abc is a module attribute. It is used to store metadata about the module. It is used to store compile time constants. It is also used to store documentation.

    • @moduledoc is used to store documentation for the module.

    • @doc is used to store documentation for a function.

    • @spec is used to store the function signature(type).

Type System in Elixir

  • Elixir is dynamically typed. Static typing is in development.

  • There are numbers, floats and integers.

  • :atom is a constant whose name is its value. They are used to reference modules, functions, etc. They are also used as keys in maps.

    • There is another way to write atoms, :"atom". This is useful when atom name contains special characters.

    • Can also write with simple capital letter and in that case we dont require colon. Example :Elixir.Atom is same as Atom because Elixir is the default namespace.

  • :true and :false are atoms. nil is also an atom.

Constructors, Reducers and Converters

  • Constructor are functions that create a new data structure. Example Map.new/0, Map.new/1, Map.new/2, etc.

  • Reducers are functions that reduce a data structure to a single value. Example Enum.reduce/2, Enum.reduce/3, etc.

  • Converters are functions that convert a data structure to another data structure. Example Enum.to_list/1, Enum.to_map/1, etc.

